Tuesday, September 15, 2015

writers block

There are so many things I want to say and they keep piling higher and higher and it scares me because it feels like I might burst if I don't say them tell someone shout them at the top of my lungs. But they are stuck and For some reason I cant get these thoughts into words that would make sense to you. How could someone understand someone they've never met and how can I even share these thoughts when I don't know how to write them? It's driving me close to insanity. Please I don't know whats wrong with me. So if you are reading this please bear with me. I know my blog sucks. Hopefully I'll find a way to write what I actually want to say and how I actually feel. I don't know maybe what I have to say I actually will just suck. I hope not.


  1. This was great. Trust me, your blog doesn't suck.

  2. This isn't writer's block this is a great post. I think most of us can l relate to this feeling, you're not alone, you just made something that I definitely connected to.

  3. #relatable #youreactuallydoingagoodjob

  4. I seriously do like this a lot. So relatable.

  5. i like this post, kind of explains how i feel about writing
